
7 Ways to practice Self Love and Self Care Everyday

7 Golden rules to learn how to self love and self care in your everyday life.

Self Love is a mastery tool to open all the keys to law of attraction and manifestation.

Forgive them who ever hurts you and at the same time forgive yourself also, get rid of any guilt. The weight of grudges is very heavy and when we forgive our hearts feel calm and our soul will be free to fly.


If you can’t accept then change and if it can’t change  then accept. Acceptance in itself is a form of self love it clear the cluters of mind and show you the right way towards any circumstances.

Listen To Music
Music create a positive vibration and leads to a circle to positivity , Music creates an aura all around you of love , kindness and happiness which in a long run leads to highest vibration of you 

Live in Present
Presence is important , Aware of whatever you have , feel Gratitude at present time.

Meditate is listen to God and Prayer is talking to God.

Don’t Compare
Highest negative thoughts are comparing yourself to others ..so Avoid it most.

Set Priorities
Say No, Set your priorities, you can’t make everyone happy.

Get the proper insight towards manifestation, Must Read Live Love and laugh

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